Wednesday, January 30, 2019

#TruRadioOnWLVSRadio with #CPIII #BrittanyDonald & #DCPeoplesChamp #SBLIIIPreview & DC sports 1.30.19

On this special sports edition of TruRadio on WLVS Radio we have a special guest to help bring the fans perspective. We have Brittany Donald of “Unscripted with Bruce Johnson” on WUSA Channel 9 to give the fans perspective to the D.C. sports teams and the Super Bowl LIII matchup. #CPIII & #DCPeoplesChamp got you covered for all the breaking news and breakdown of the New England Patriots & the L.A. Rams.

Monday, January 28, 2019

SportsOTHP Ep.134 We Go Global and Talk to Australia about the Caps also we talk: Wizards, #SBLIII Preview & Senior Bowl

We will start off with breaking down the last week for the Capitals with Anna, CPIII and RobbieG. After that we will break down the All Star Game, and what the team needs to do to end their 7 game losing streak (0-4-3). We will look ahead to the upcoming schedule after that. At about 7:40 we will have a special guest calling in all the way from Australia. Mr. Chris McRae is part of the Caps Down Under group which is a Capitals fan group for fans around the world but especially Australia. We will get his take and find out how they became Capitals fans and ask them about what it is like to be a Caps fan half a world away.

Then we will have our music break and our Wizards panel at 8. After that we will have a #SBLIII preview before our round table show on Wednesday night on WLVS Radio, and will have some Senior Bowl coverage and breakdown.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

#TruRadioOnWLVSRadio with #CPIII #ShidaP #BLKGOP & #StonerSowell 1.23.19

Tonight we started out with Special Guest Stoner Sowell and we talked #NFLPlayoffs and the controversial call in both the AFC/NFC Championship games. We also #Wizards and a little #Capitals. #BLKGOP talks Nancy Pelosi & Donald Trump playing with government workers like their pawns in a chess game and #ShidaP fills us in on the latest #EntertainmentNews.

Monday, January 21, 2019

SportsOTHP Ep.133 Capitals, Wizards,Boxing & NFL Playoffs

Welcome to another great episode of SportsOTHP. We’ll start out with #CapitalsTalk with #CPIII, #AnnaK & #RobbieG as we discuss their 4 game losing streak and how to get back to winning ways. Around 7:40 #RobbieG and the #WizardsRoundtable will recap the week that was, Bradley Beal stepping up and a look at the upcoming schedule. After our music break around 8:00 #CPIII & #PaulTheBoxingGuy will talk #NFLPlayoffs, the controversial calls in both games and also breakdown the beat down of Adrien Broner at the 40 year old hands of Manny Pacquiao plus more  

Thursday, January 17, 2019

SportsOTHP #Boxing #NFLPlayoffs AFC/NFC Championship Edition

#CPIII & #PaulTheBoxingGuy will recap and breakdown the last couple weeks in the NFL Playoffs and preview the AFC/NFC Championship games between the Patriots vs Chiefs and Rams vs Saints. Then we will preview the fight between Pacquiao and Broner plus recap the past weeks in the boxing world

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

#TruRadioOnWLVSRadio with #CPIII #151 #BLKGOP & special guest comedian Janai Mitchell 1.16.19

This week #CPIII covers the NFL Playoffs and the week that was for the Capitals and the Wizards. #BLKGOP & #151 talks about the burgers at the White House and we interview with Janai Mitchell with her unique style of comedy. She also performs during the show.

Monday, January 14, 2019

SportsOTHP Ep.132 Capitals, Wizards & NFL Divisional round recap

It's time for another great episode covering all the D.C. sports and all the latest sports news and highlights. First off we will start with #CPIII, #AnnaK & #RobbieG talking everything Capitals. After that around 7:40 we will talk Wizards and their season going forward without John Wall. After our music break around 8:00 we will recap the Divisional round of the NFL playoffs with SportsJourney writer and insider #DujunneaB. Tune in at 347.884.9299 or watch our FbLive simulcast 

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Monday, January 7, 2019

SportsOTHP ep.131: CapsTalk + NFL Playoffs + NCAAF Bowl Recap and Finals Preview

7:00 pm We talk about the last 2 weeks for the Caps and then preview a big upcoming week

7:30 pm We get ready for the NCAAF Championship by talking about the Bowls and previewing tonights game
7:50 pm Recap the NFL Playoff Games and preview this weeks games

Thursday, January 3, 2019

SportsOTHP #Boxing #MMA & #DCSports

Happy New Year and welcome to the 1st show of 2019. Tonight I’d like to dedicate this show to a friend/coworker/mother/grandmother and great person Mrs.E. She passed away this morning and will be greatly missed. Tonight we will discuss all things Boxing, MMA & sports related 

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

#TruRadio on WLVS Radio #StateOfTheUnion 1st show of 2019 1.2.19 Ep. 9

Happy New Year and welcome to the 1st show of the 2019!!!! This week we have our #StateOfTheUnion of #TruRadioNetwork & #SportsOTHP moving forward into this year and beyond. #BLKGOP covers TruRadio & #CPIII covers SportsOTHP. #ShidaP has some choice words for those that have a issue with our movement. We still bring you the latest news and info from the world of Sports, Entertainment & Current Events. Check us out and enjoy the show.