Monday, April 24, 2017

SportsOTHP ep49: Caps Playoffs + Wiz @ Hawks gm4 Live + Valor + Nats + DC Divas

4/24 Ep 49 (s2.e4):
30 sec | Intro
4 min | Caps win series 4-2 
30 min 13 s | Nats sweep week and win 7 in a row with Carroll Porter III
42 min | Wizards game 2 and 3 recap and preview game 4 with Michael Edgley and Arun Bhattacharya
64 - 74 min | Robbie Gross goes to his first Valor Game
Photos from Valor game:
74 min | Redskins Schedule Talk pt 1
1h 16:30 | NHL talk with Louis Tenore
1h 27:45 | DC Divas Talk with Christiana Burton
1h 47:25 | NHL talk with Brian Brennan from Upon Further Review with Brian Brennan
OT Topics (2h) | Redskins Schedule and draft needs, DC United, NHL, preview episode 50 and more.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

First ever Valor Game Notes and Photos

Robbie and Liz enjoyed their first Valor game even if it ended in disappointment. In the previous post we showed all the videos from the game but if you want to see the photos you should click here:

Click here to see Robbie and Liz (SportsOTHP Photographer and Production Assistant) Photo Album 

Robbie will be talking with Carroll about the entire experience of going to the Valor on Monday at 8 here. Or in the player below. We will talk Caps playoffs, Nats last week recap, Wizards Playoff update and prep for game 4 which we will also cover live at 8.
I also wanted to share an exchange we were having with valor fans in my favorite Valor facebook group. It gives some of my feelings on how the night was going. It went great in the first half (where we scored 31) and then we had some turnovers and problems scoring in the second (where we went scoreless). The worst turnover was right across from where we were standing. Watch the highlights including that TD that turned in to a turnover and what the coach had to say about it here.

Robbie Gross We had a good catch but fumbled. Ruled down by contact but being reviewed by soul and I think they will get the ball.
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Robbie Gross They got the ball made a great catch and we forced a fumble to get it back on the 15
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Robbie Gross What a TD by the Joystick! Valor up 21-7
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Robbie Gross And now soul scored 21-14 Valor...
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Robbie Gross Fg after being stalled puts us up 24-14
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Robbie Gross Damn soul score 24-21 Valor now but getting too close
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Robbie Gross Going live in about 5/10 min from Sports on the Hill Podcast 6:50 left in the first half.
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Patrick Roach What's the score now ?
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Robbie Gross 31-28 just started second half
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Robbie Gross Sorry was live so didn't update.
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Robbie Gross Soul just scored a TD with 8 min left in 3rd. Soul lead now 35-31...
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Robbie Gross On 4th and 8 huge play down field goes from our 8 to their 11. Go Valor!
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Robbie Gross PI on soul first down @ soul 8 for valor
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Robbie Gross Now they hit our Qb so first on 4
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Robbie Gross And now false start so 9... lots of flags
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Robbie Gross Pick in end zone 😭
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Robbie Gross Huge 4th down upcoming let's see some Valor D
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Robbie Gross We were offsides so they get a second try 4th and 5 on Valor 16
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Robbie Gross They got a first down now on our 9
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Robbie Gross TD philly😭 42-31 now
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Patrick Roach Soul are a good team
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Robbie Gross They are the champions. So currently play is under review either a TD for us or a pick and it's close. Called a pick on field.
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Robbie Gross Damn it was a pick
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Patrick Roach They sure are my sharks lost to them .