Thursday, December 5, 2019

CPIII on Hurt's House: "Coaching Corrected"

CPIII joins Hurts House after Hurt's intro and they break down the new Redskins coach and how he has been doing in the first few weeks. And what should be the future of the coaching position. 

Description of Hurts House:
The Redskins are riding on a two-win streak. Some might say that it's a fluke. Others may say that the coaching changes that have happened in the last couple of weeks have made all of the difference. Tonight on Hurt's House, we will dig into the Bill Calahan era and what that means to the Skins going forward - the good, the bad and the ugly. We will look at the difference in coaching strategies, the difference in player morale and the overall responsiveness of the team.
Also, we will take the time to  congratulate all of the members of the Hurt’s House™? Fantasy football invitational and open. And as always, turn on, tune in, and turn the HELL UP!

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